Training is essential for the growth and success of any plantation company. Its benefits both the employers and the employees of a company. If an employee is properly trained, he or she will become more efficient and productive.
NSL Consultancy is committed to provide training in the following areas;
Oil Palm Plantation Management
-> Enhance employee knowledge for better understanding of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
-> Technique of Analyzing Cost and Cost Management
-> Effective Supervision Technique
-> Oil Palm Plantation Budget Preparation and Monitoring
-> Monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
-> Business Development Plan and Visibility Study for New Project
-> Replanting Technique and Specification of Works
-> Oil Palm Nutrition and Fertilizer Applications.
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) MS 2530:2022 Training
-> Understanding of Malaysian Sustainability Palm Oil (MSPO)
-> Documentation and Monitoring of MSPO
-> MSPO Internal Audit Training
-> Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)
-> Anti Bribery Policy
-> Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)